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Learn How to Start LOGO DESIGN

Most of the business owners want to design a logo with their hand and mind, but they have thought as they believe they are not capable enough to create one. And that’s true, designing is not child play, it requires tons of knowledge, hard work, and creativeness to get the most out of it.

But now anyone with the designing skills and fire in the belly can design it. As there are hundreds of logo makers and software available that can help you. But still, you need to be cool down, as it’s not just an image. A logo is a feel and connection between the brand and the customer. Here in this article; we will discuss a few of the points that can help you to design it by yourself. So here we start

Start with doing research

Without any doubt, the first step is the most crucial part as it will provide you a pinpoint from where to start. Research plays a great role in the success of your brand. The same goes for the logos, businesses don’t design with the concept of pretty or a trendy thing, and they want a rigid communication between the brand and the customer.

So keeping things in mind; start doing extensive and excessive research and try to understand both your product and target audience. You can even ask yourself a few questions like, what is your product or service, customer will like my product if not so how can I make them love the product, what my competitors are doing. Doing this type of research will help you in planning for your emblem design.

Draw your ideas on a Sketchpad

After doing the comprehensive research you will have a bunch of ideas and concepts in your head. Start listed it down; if you think it’s in form of an object or a shape start drawing it and remember never hesitate or feel shy to if you think that this word or shape doesn’t make any time as most of the time you can find unique idea from the think you feel is unnecessary.

For a successful logo design, the important thing is creativeness as you must have seen the famous brands and their designs, they are unique and you may have never seen a thing like that before. The more ideas you have the more chance you have to get the symbol unique and better.

Colours and words are necessary

Have you ever seen a logo without any colours? I don’t think so, as colours have meaning and if you don’t add any colours to your design it will feel incomplete. Just think of an image without any complexion how boring will it looks and you will not even look for the second time. The same goes for the logo Black and white may seem harsh on our eyes, especially if we’re trying to create a feeling of fun. You can use green or yellow instead.

· Orange (activity, fun, vibrancy, youthful and energetic)

· Yellow (cheerfulness, friendliness, joy, and fun)

· Black: (mystery, elegance, evil)

· White: (purity, cleanliness, virtue)

Words are equally important just like colours you can’t miss either of them. A logo needs to send the correct message to the market, and therefore a typography font in a positive manner forms the base of a logo design. It is not just a combination of colour and shapes; it is an art and a typeface that brings life to your logo.


According to my research and past years of experience, I have seen business owners are much more motivated to buy a logo design instead of creating it. It’s the right thing if you don’t have the knowledge and if you think you have designing capacities just do it as practice makes a man perfect.

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