When someone initiates their business, one thing they need to be ten on ten is marketing. It will give more exposure to the targeted audience about the brand and spreads its vision behind it. While thinking of marketing, one keen step that businesses should focus on is the logo.
Everyone is well aware of the fact that it is the best essence of any brand as it identifies and differentiates it from the competitors.
While designing it, there are some mistakes if being made then those are more like committing sins. Does no-one want to do that?
Here are some of the unforgivable sins that should never be committed.

1. Copying Existing Logo: One of the purposes behind creating it is to stand your business out from the crowd, from the competitors. So, if you copy them even with slight changes (which does not count), then you are digging your way for troubles.
At the same time, plagiarized content will bring you publicity but in a negative way, which is too hard to come under control.
So, there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from higher brands and then creating the design while keeping it in mind. But making the same copy with a little unnoticeable variation is a big SIN!
2. Not Thinking About the Applications: This might be a little too deep but, you have to think about it. Not thinking about different applications for your logo brings so many problems in the future.
It should be made in such a way that it is flexible to be molded in any form yet still manages to look amazing. Sometimes you might need to change the color of it in black and white, from black and white to a vibrant one, or make it vertical, horizontal, and many more.
So, these are the applications if they are not focused then there might a lot of future difficulties waiting for you.
3. Being Inconsistent: It is the biggest mistake one can ever make. Never be inconsistent I repeat NEVER! Consistency is the key to success and when it comes to customize logo suppose that it is mandatory.
Being consistent with it means to be the same no matter where it is posted. For example, your logo is written “Times Roman” with bold letters then it should be the same when it is on the board, on the business card, or any medium.
4. Not Giving A Second Thought to Other Brand Colors: Playing with colors palate might be risky. It's not a too tough task to do.
But while planning to use it, do look at the other brand’s color and take inspiration from them. Again, don’t copy them.
For instance, Google has the perfect colors that whenever we see red, green, yellow, and blue colors together, it instantly reminds us of Google. So, try to use such techniques.
5. Overthinking About It: If you buy a custom logos, then don’t overthink about it. Overthinking is the root of disturbance. Remember audience won’t check too many details on it they’ll give it a single look not, more than that. But your design must fascinate them in that “single look.”
CONCLUSION: Everyone unwantedly commits so many sins while creating a perfect logo that they don’t know how huge an impact they have on their career and its success. These are some of the unforgivable mistakes that one should never make and always be precautious about it. I hope it helped you out!